Types of Mouthwash

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Types of Mouthwash


  1. Therapeutic Mouthwashes:
    • Purpose: Address specific oral health issues like cavities or gingivitis.
    • Active Ingredients: Sodium fluoride for cavities, cetylpyridinium chloride, essential oils, or chlorhexidine for plaque and gingivitis.
    • ADA Seal of Acceptance: Look for this to ensure the product's health claims have been independently verified.
    • Availability: Some are over-the-counter, while others require a dentist's prescription.
  2. Cosmetic Mouthwashes:
    • Purpose: Provide short-term freshening effects but do not address underlying oral health issues.
    • Effectiveness: Mask odor but don't reduce the risk of cavities or gum disease.

Specific Purposes

  • Prevent Cavities: Choose a mouthwash with fluoride (sodium fluoride) to help remineralize enamel.
  • Reduce Plaque and Gingivitis: Use an antiseptic mouthwash with cetylpyridinium chloride, essential oils, or chlorhexidine.
  • Manage Bad Breath: Opt for antimicrobial mouthwashes with essential oils, chlorine dioxide, cetylpyridinium chloride, or chlorhexidine.
  • Whiten Teeth: Select mouthwashes with hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide for whitening.

Alcohol vs. Non-Alcohol

  • Alcohol-Containing Mouthwashes: Can help essential oils work more effectively but may be unsuitable for children, those with substance use issues, or people concerned about oral microbiome balance and potential oral cancer risks.
  • Alcohol-Free Mouthwashes: Recommended for those who experience a burning sensation with alcohol-based products, have dry mouth, or prefer to avoid alcohol.

Usage Tips

  • Supplement, Don’t Replace: Use mouthwash as an addition to brushing and flossing, not a substitute.
  • Order of Use: Floss, brush, then rinse, though the order isn't crucial as long as you are consistent.
  • Timing: Wait 20 minutes after brushing if using a non-fluoride mouthwash to avoid washing away fluoride from toothpaste.
  • Follow Instructions: Adhere to the specific usage instructions on the bottle, especially for prescription mouthwashes to avoid side effects like staining.


  • Discuss with Your Dentist: Ensure you're using the right product and technique for your needs by consulting your dentist.